Discover Your Career
Discover Your Career
Stage 1 - Select Training and Education Options
Our Process:
Planning your career can be a complex process. Selecting the best educational options requires you to spend a solid amount of time and energy on phase 1 of this process (discovering yourself and your options) in order to make a fully informed decision about appropriate training and education. Our experience has demonstrated that many people simply do not take the time required to select the best training options. Most university students, as much as 60%, will either not complete the degree or will change majors at least once. In speaking with hundreds of high school guidance counsellors we have found that most indicate they do not know how to help a student select the right university major and that they often take at ‘face value’ whatever the student thinks they are interested in.
Step 1 - Research and Selection. Discussing potential education options with a solid understanding of the possibilities is one of the key values we can bring to this process. When you meet with us we can listen to your ideas, assess your interests and abilities and help you identify options for education you might never have considered.
Step 2 - Application. The application process to some educational institutions can be daunting involving identifying deadlines, gathering references, completing application forms and writing personal statements and essays. When you are ready to apply we can provide you with guidance and consultation on this process.
Planning your career should take time, research and forethought. You need to assess, understand, evaluate and weigh your options based on a thorough understanding of yourself (phase 1) and your FULL RANGE of options.
Stage 2 - Career Immersion
Explore Possibilities - Experiential Learning
Our Process: In conjunction with acquiring education or training taking the time to learn outside of the classroom is vitally important. Experiences afford you the opportunity to try out an environment or skill before completing your education. Experiences outside of the classroom also provides you with an opportunity to apply your education before you complete your education. This can provide you with the opportunity to change course directions early in the process or shift your focus within your field of study.
Step 1 - Research and Selection. When you meet with us to brainstorm we will help you select opportunities you can really leverage for learning and development. Volunteer, Internship, Co-op Jobs, Summer Jobs.
Step 2 - We will work together to create a tangible plan to identify the skills and experiences you need to acquire or develop for the purpose of assessing your experiences.
Making connections with people, places and experiences.
We encourage you to take the time to research your best opportunities for developing your knowledge, skills and making connections. During this process we will help you identify options for obtaining experience and learning.
Early in the process you are gaining experiences through volunteering, internships and education to assist with your ability to assess and understand your options. As you progress from Career Preparation into Career Building you will be able to focus your efforts to gain career immersion experience - making connections between your interests and skills and potential careers and beginning to make connections with people, places and opportunities.
Information gathering from professionals
Step 3 - This process is often ongoing and usually requires brief consultation meetings over time (often combined with other conversations). During these meetings we will assist you in identifying opportunities for making connections. We will assist you in developing strategies for making and assessing your connections
Your task at this stage is to seek out opportunities to gather information from relevant career professionals (often called informational interviewing). This can be accomplished by tapping into your school’s alumni network, finding professional associations, social networking (twitter and linkedin or other online communities).
Step 4 - We will provide you with coaching in anticipation of making connections with other professionals. If you are going to take the time to make connections you want to ensure you maximize the results of your efforts so you can lay the groundwork for future relationship building.
10 Questions to ask a Professional in an Informational Interview
1.What do you like best about this career field?
2.What is involved in a week of work in this career field?
3.What are the top things a new professional in this field should know?
4.What are the best professional organizations/associations/websites to connect with to gain information on this career?
5.What are the top 5 trends you see emerging in this career field?
6.What are the biggest challenges facing someone in this career field?
7.What personality characteristics and relationships management skills are key to this career field (or your organizations)?
8.What are the top 3 skills one needs to develop to succeed in this career field right now (or in your organization)?
9. What are the top 3 qualifications one needs to enter into this career field (or this organization)?
10. What are the first 3 steps I need to take to break into this career field (or with your employer)?
Career Discovery and Planning
Costs will vary depending on the number and types of career assessments you select.
Phase 2 - Plan Your Career: Career Planning and Further Education
Starting at $350 for the basic service
This will include assistance with career and education research. It may also include assistance completing the application process for further education.
You can expect this full process to take between 2-5 hours of consultation over the course of several weeks or months. You can expect to spend many, many more hours of work on your own over the course of months (or, if you are returning to school, even longer)
Universities Canada
Grad schools in Canada
Apprenticeships In Canada
Ontario Colleges
Ontario University Application Services
The ability to research and evaluate your options will be invaluable to a successful career. Most people select their careers based on limited research and consideration. Most people spend more time planning a vacation than selecting a career!
Many people spend more time researching the amenities of the school they are considering attending, the services, geography, residence, food, than researching the major they are about to embark on.
Research and understanding your self and your options and the ability to do this on an ongoing basis is the KEY to effective career management and actualization.
Navigate to any of the 4 Phases
Phase 1 - (re)Discover Your Career
Phase 2 - (re)Prepare Your Career
Prepare Your Career
Are Your Considering
Professional School
Trade School
Private College
Distance Education
Strategic Volunteering
Joining Associations
Co-op Opportunities
International Volunteer
Online Engagement
Apply your education to the real world.
There are times when you need a job to pay the bills and you want a job for the adventure, but during your education or if you are seeking to make a career change it is sometimes necessary to find an experience (job, volunteer, internship) that provides you the opportunity to try out and develop relevant skills and experiences.
Consider what you are learning and find away to apply these to the real world.
Informational Interviewing
Don’t be afraid to seek career advice from senior professionals in your career field. If you take the time and do the research you can connect with the Manager, Director, VP or CEO. If you connect with the CEO you may not necessarily ask for their time, but instead ask for their recommendation of someone in their organization